Join A Journey of Impact
Smokey Mountain Mentor Weekend | #MASTERPIECE
Atlanta, Georgia - Smokey Mountains, TN, USA
Saturday, July 14, 2018
A one mentor weekend inspiring the youth of KIPP WAYS West Academy to control their destinies in the time that matters the most, NOW. Activities will include Dream Building, Vision Pursuing, and Goal Tracking in a fun and tangible way in hope to ignite the fire of success in the future of tomorrow.
Mission Complete!
Thank you BJ’s Wholesale Club, Publix, and all the volunteers Idalina Couto, Hector King, Maria Moore, and Anamaria Hazard for you support to make this weekend possible.
Assomada Girls Orphanage
Assomada, Island of Santiago, Cabo Verde, Africa
This visit will be an all day investment project with the young ladies of Assomada. This will be a multi-topic platform to promote positive developmental habits such as proper presentation of one's self, education, and the power of focus.
Mission Needs
Funds For Building Renovations to Improve Living Conditions In Dwelling Areas
Menstrual Cycle Needs | Sanitary Solutions
School Supplies & Art Supplies
Hygiene Products
Piocs Boys Orphanage
Picos, Island of Santiago, Cabo Verde, Africa
This will be a one day visit to deliver donation and supplies needed to inspire growth, educational advancement, and encourage a desire to thrive.
Mission Needs
Needs Industrial Appliances For The Preservation and Preparation of Food
Facility Renovation to Improve Lively Hood
Boys Clothing All Sizes
Athletic Equipment
Learning Material
Books & Art Supplies
Music Equipment
Furniture & Equipment
We would love for you to join one of our missions. Please enter your contact information below, and one of our teammates will contact you. Groups are welcome. Your involvement will contribute to their individual enrichment experiences, as well as help church outreach programs, support educational classroom projects, and provide team building activities for fraternal, sororal, and corporate organizations. There will be a project opportunity specific to all partnership arrangements.